© 2014 Buckland Newton Parish Council                                                                                                                                         Website last updated 7th September 2014 16:50
Department of Communities and Local Govermet

Business and Employment

The policies for Business and Employment in the emerging Local Plan for West Dorset are:


i) Employment development will generally be supported: - within or on the edge of a settlement, - through the intensification or extension of existing premises, - as part of a farm diversification scheme, - through the re-use or replacement of an existing building, or - in a rural location where this is essential for that type of business. ii) Proposals for live-work developments will be supported in locations considered suitable for open market residential development.


i) Outside key employment sites, the redevelopment of existing employment sites to an alternative employment use will normally be permitted. ii) The redevelopment of employment land and premises for non employment uses that are in accordance with other planning policies will be permitted where it will not prejudice the efficient and effective use of the remainder of the employment area and: - the present (or where vacant or derelict, the previous) use causes significant harm to the character or amenities of the surrounding area and it has been demonstrated that no other appropriate viable alternative employment uses could be attracted to the site; or - a substantial over-supply of suitable alternative employment sites is locally available; or - redevelopment of the site would offer important community benefits or no significant loss of jobs / potential jobs Do you feel: a) These policies deal satisfactorily with business and employment issues for our parish? b) We should be positively encouraging additional business and employment opportunities in the parish? If so please can you suggest how.
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