© 2014 Buckland Newton Parish Council                                                                                                                                         Website last updated 7th September 2014 16:50
The policy for renewable energy in the emerging Local Plan for West Dorset is:


Proposals for generating heat or electricity from renewable energy sources should be permitted providing that the benefits of the development, such as the contribution towards renewable energy targets, significantly outweigh any harm. In addition, permission will only be granted provided: any adverse impacts on the local landscape, townscape or areas of historical interest can be satisfactorily assimilated and the proposal minimises harm to residential amenity by virtue of noise, vibration, overshadowing, flicker, or other detrimental emissions, during construction, its operation and decommissioning adverse impacts upon designated wildlife sites, nature conservation interests, and  biodiversity are satisfactorily mitigated. Do you feel: a)  This policy deals satisfactorily with renewable energy issues for our parish? b)  We should do more to encourage: i) small scale renewable energy generation e.g solar panels on roofs? ii) larger scale renewable energy generation e.g solar farms? c)  We should not allow larger scale renewable energy generation in our parish under any circumstances? Please explain why you have chosen a particular option

Renewable Energy

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